4 research outputs found

    Sareari adimena gehitzen: machine learning eta gaitasun kognitiboen sarrera sare-mailako monitorizaziorako eta matxuren diagnostikorako

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    Ohiko sare-ereduak erabiliz belaunaldi berriko sareen ezaugarri espezi-fikoek ez dute kudeaketa egokia ahalbidetzen: izan ere, ezin ditu kontuan hartu eskala doiketa, heterogeneotasuna eta agertoki hauen konplexutasuna. Beraz, beharrezkoa da komunikazio sistema hauen diseinu eta kudeaketarako paradigma berriak definitzea. Modu honetan, machine learning-aren erabilpenaren bidez, sareari gaitasun kogniti-boak gaineratzeak datuei erantsita sarean zehar garraiatzen den protokolo-informazioa-ren maneiatzea posible egiten du. Informazio hau sarearen egoera inferitzeko erabiltzen da, disfuntzioak ekidinez eta guztirako errendimendua hobetuz. Artikulu honek sare-mailan integratutako modulu adimentsu baten diseinua aurkezten du, offline machine learning-ean oinarrituz, bideraketa funtzionalitaterako informazioa bilduz eta interpre-tatuz. Testuinguruaz kontzientea den modulu kognitibo honek monitoreatutako sare-egoeraren arabera bideraketa protokoloaren portaera manipulatzen du, horrela matxu-rak ekidinez, trafikoa orekatuz eta hobekuntza globala eskuratuz.; The specific characteristics of next generation networks entail the impossi-bility of a proper management according to the conventional networking models, due to their inability to adjust the scale, the heterogeneity and the complexity of those sce-narios. Therefore, it is necessary to define new paradigms to design and manage these emergent communication systems. At this point, adding cognitive capabilities to the network through the application of machine learning techniques makes it possible to leverage the protocol information that travels along the network attached to the data. This data is use to infer information about the state of the network and exploit it to pre-vent dysfunctions and improve the overall performance. This paper introduces the de-sign of an intelligent module integrated at network level, based on offline machine learning, to gather and interpret information to complement and support the routing functionality. This context-aware cognitive module manipulates the behaviour of the routing protocol depending on the monitored state of the network to avoid failures, bal-ance the traffic and get a global enhancement

    A Robust Optimization Based Energy-Aware Virtual Network Function Placement Proposal for Small Cell 5G Networks with Mobile Edge Computing Capabilities

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    In the context of cloud-enabled 5G radio access networks with network function virtualization capabilities, we focus on the virtual network function placement problem for a multitenant cluster of small cells that provide mobile edge computing services. Under an emerging distributed network architecture and hardware infrastructure, we employ cloud-enabled small cells that integrate microservers for virtualization execution, equipped with additional hardware appliances. We develop an energy-aware placement solution using a robust optimization approach based on service demand uncertainty in order to minimize the power consumption in the system constrained by network service latency requirements and infrastructure terms. Then, we discuss the results of the proposed placement mechanism in 5G scenarios that combine several service flavours and robust protection values. Once the impact of the service flavour and robust protection on the global power consumption of the system is analyzed, numerical results indicate that our proposal succeeds in efficiently placing the virtual network functions that compose the network services in the available hardware infrastructure while fulfilling service constraints.The research leading to these results has been supported by the EU funded H2020 5G-PPP Project SESAME (Grant Agreement 671596) and the Spanish MINECO Project 5GRANVIR (TEC2016-80090-C2-2-R)

    Misio kritikorako MCPTT zerbitzuaren integrazioa 5G-NFV ertzeko konexio-sare batean

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    5G teknologiaren helburu handienetako bat da egungo komunikazio-ekosistema hobetzea. Helburu hori lortzeko, etorkizun handiko irtenbidea da ertzeko konexio-sareen erabilpena, batez ere misio kritikoko zerbitzuak erabiltzen direnean, ertzeko konexio-sareek konputazio-mailan eta komunikazio-trukeari dagokion abiaduran ekartzen dituzten garapenak baliatu ahal izatean. Testu hau MCPTT zerbitzuan ardaztuko da; hau da, gaur egungo larrialdi-talde koordinatuei ahots-komunikazio klasikoa eskaintzen dion horretan. MCPTT zerbitzua 5G ekosisteman integratzearen erronka nagusiak zerikusia du horren funtzionamenduaren orkestrazioarekin, hain zuzen ere MCPTT zerbitzuak sareko azpiegitura beste hainbat zerbitzu eta sareko operadorerekin partekatu behar baitu. Artikulu honetan, software bidez definitutako sare-funtzioak eta sare-funtzioak birtualizatzeko estandar teknologikoak konbinatzen dituen arkitektura bat proposatzen da, 5G estandarrarekin bat datorrena. Ertzeko cluster batean, slicing sareko arkitekturaren birtualizazio-mekanismoa erabiliz, MCPTT zerbitzua nola hedatu den ere azaltzen da. Zehazki, MCPTT sareko funtzio birtuala osatzen duten unitateak deskribatzen dira. Bestalde, sistema osoaren orkestrazioa alertak arintzeko modulu batekin batera lan egiten duen monitorizazio-sistema batean oinarritzen da. Monitorizazio-sistemak zerbitzuaren eragiketarekin, baliabideen erabilerarekin edota irrati bidezko sarbidearen operazioarekin zerikusia duten hainbat parametro jaso eta biltzen ditu denbora errealean, eta, irakurritako balioen arabera, bi alerta mota eman ditzake: batetik, baliabide birtualei dagozkienak bereizten dira, eta, bestetik, irrati-baliabideei eragiten dietenak. Azkenik, MCPTT zerbitzua hedatu ondoren lortutako emaitzak ere aurkezten dira. Horretarako, lehenik eta behin, zerbitzuaren funtzionamendua dinamikoki doitzeko erabili diren monitorizazio-metrikak deskribatzen dira, eta, jarraian, sistemaren probak gauzatzeko zehaztutako agertokiak aurkezten dira. Emaitzen arabera, sistemak agertokietako eskaerei espero bezala erantzuten diela eta bere funtzionamendua dinamikoki ondo egokitzen duela frogatu da.; One of the major objectives of 5G technology is to improve the current communication ecosystem. The use of edge networking is a promising solution to this goal, especially when critical mission services are used. This text will focus on MCPTT, a service that provides a coordinated emergency team with classic voice communication. The main challenge in integrating the MCPTT service into the 5G ecosystem relates to the orchestration of its operation, as the MCPTT service has to share the network infrastructure with many other services and network operators. This paper presents an architecture that is in accordance with the 5G standard and at the same time combines software-defined networking and network functions virtualization. It also shows how MCPTT service has been deployed in a data center located at the edge, by using the slicing network architecture virtualization mechanism. Specifically, the units that constitute the MCPTT virtual network function are described. The orchestration of the entire system is based on a monitor system that works in conjunction with an alert module. The monitoring system receives in real time and gathers a number of parameters related to service operation, use of resources, and operation of radio access, and may provide two types of alert according to the values read: on the one hand, those related to virtual resources, and, on the other, those alerts affecting radio resources. Results obtained after deploying the MCPTT service are also presented. For this purpose, first, the monitoring metrics used to dynamically adjust the operation of the service are described, and then the defined testing scenarios are presented. Results show that the system responds as expected to the different demands of the scenarios, and also that it dynamically adjusts its functioning properly

    QoE-Oriented Mobile Edge Service Management Leveraging SDN and NFV

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    5G envisages a "hyperconnected society" where trillions of diverse entities could communicate with each other anywhere and at any time, some of which will demand extremely challenging performance requirements such as submillisecond low latency. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) concept where application computing resources are deployed at the edge of the mobile network in proximity of an end user is a promising solution to improve quality of online experience. To make MEC more flexible and cost-effective Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technologies are widely adopted. It leads to significant CAPEX and OPEX reduction with the help of a joint radio-cloud management and orchestration logic. In this paper we discuss and develop a reference architecture for the orchestration and management of the MEC ecosystem. Along with the lifecycle management flows of MEC services, indicating the interactions among the functional modules inside the Orchestrator and with external elements, QoS management with a focus on the channel state information technique is presented.The research leading to these results has been supported by the EU funded H2020 5G-PPP project SESAME under the Grant Agreement no. 671596 and National Spanish Projects QoEverage (no. TEC2013-46766-R) and ONOFRE (no. TEC2014-53071-C3-1-P)